Questionnaire/Survey Protocol
A Survey/Questionnaire Protocol is a study that collects prospective data from subjects through the use of questionnaires or surveys. They may be administered in person, via phone, or electronically through a secure method (e.g., RedCAP). These studies generally also include a retrospective chart review component as well.
- Create a written protocol using the Questionnaire/Survey Protocol Template.
- Complete the New Study Form.
- Gather or create any questionnaires/surveys to be utilized in the study.
- Complete a telephone script if applicable. Below are some examples:
- Email all of the above to CRP. You will be contacted shortly with further instructions (including the level of subject consent required) and the correct IRB application to complete.
You May NOT Begin Your Research Project Prior To CRP And IRB Approval.
Contact CRP for additional assistance with protocol development, statistical resources, funding questions, etc.