Research Protections

Retrospective/Chart Review

A Retrospective Chart Review and/or Database Query is evaluation of patient data that exists at the time of study initiation.

Ensure that all the questions below are answered NO:

  1. Does your study:
    • Involve interaction with subjects?
    • Involve more than retrospective data collection?
    • Involve specimen collection?
    • Intend to be a long-term database?
    • NOTE: If your study involves funding or involvement of an entity outside Virginia Mason/BRI, but the answers above are all No, continue with this checklist.

  2. Create a written protocol using the Retrospective Protocol Template.

  3. Complete the New Study Form.

  4. Email both files to CRP. You will be contacted shortly with further instructions and the correct IRB application to complete.

You May NOT Begin Your Research Project Prior To CRP And IRB Approval.