Research Protections

Use of External IRBs

Any study where VM/BRI is collaborating on research with another institution, and another site’s IRB wishes to be the Reviewing IRB (i.e. IRB of record), is considered a Cooperative Study by VM/BRI. These studies may include institutions VM/BRI has previously entered into an overarching “Cooperative Agreement” (i.e. UW, FHCRC), or ones we have not relied on previously.

To identify if your study qualifies for a Cooperative Review, confirm the following:

  1. There is a VM/BRI investigator interested in supporting the research at VM/BRI.
  2. VM/BRI is considered “engaged” in the research with another site.
  3. The site requires VM/BRI to rely on them as the Reviewing IRB (i.e. can’t do study if BRI is IRB).

If the above items are TRUE, go to the Start a New Research Study page per usual and complete the New Study Form.

BRI IRB staff will evaluate the details related to establishing a Reliance Agreement with the IRB of record once a CRP# has been created and study materials have been submitted for review.

Contact the RPD department for more information.

Contact IRB

Overarching Cooperative Agreements

Cooperative Guidance And Template